Montag, 20. Juni 2016

"The Awakening of spring" - Earrings

Pantones color(s) of the year 2016 is (are) "Rose quartz and serenity". They are not really my favorite choice or to put it in a more positive way, they were a real challenge. So you may understand why I am so proud of this earring pair! Beautiful artisan lampwork nuggets, small czech beads, hammered copper and some tiny copper spacer... so surprised how much I love Pantones choice now ;)

You can also find them in my shop here :)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Those are so sweet! I have had issues with this year's colors also.

  2. What pretty earrings! I'm not crazy about Pantone's colors of the year choice either, but you did a great job working with them.

  3. I was drawn right away to the color of these! I like that more earthy pink tone - so lovely!



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