Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2014

Tentacles just for me!


Mh... maybe not a really grown up way to start a blog entry but... a true one! ;) 

If you are following my blog a little it longer you may now how much I love the work of Christi Friesen. I have all of her polymer clay books and always enjoy her playful style! I think she is also a very good example of how you can teach your tips and tricks and knowledge but not for people learning to copy you but to develop their own style. 

The most important things I learned from her are: More is sometimes also more and embrace your thumb prints on the clay! This may not sound much but it was something really important for me. It took away my fear of wasting material and just to try and play. 

I have my own style with polymer clay. One I believe you can recognize (maybe not with all but with a lot of my beads and jewelery ^^ but I am also still growing). But maybe you can understand how much it means to me to have something in my hand made by Christi.

She put up a pinterest challenge some time ago where she posted inspirational pictures taken by her and asked to come up with ideas and inspirations coming to our mind seeing them. The one inspiring her she would use to create a heart and send it to the person having the idea. Yes, that was me! ^^

May I say it again? Mine! :)

I am not sure what I will make with the heart but my first idea was to use it as an ornament. I still have not finished a blog entry from last christmas (just reminding myself now ^^) about an ornament I made. I promise you it will be weird. But I have the idea to have one day a lot of weird and odd ornaments as well as children... and every evening during christmas time one can choose an ornament and we will think of a good night story inspired by the ornament. Yes... it will also be a weird and odd story, has to be! ^^

2 Kommentare:

  1. I really like the tentacled heart...

  2. It is wild and weird and WONDERFUL! At first I didn't realize it was a heart, I thought a fantasy sea creature. Love your plan for the strange storytelling!



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