Horses were the theme of this months theme challenge at Art Elements! Jenny chose the topic and put together a wonderful collection of inspirational images. Have a look here!
My personal inspiration was this little wooden horse I found at a flea market. In one of my planters on our balcony we have some moos growing, so I used it as background.
I struggled a little bit what to do. Seems my usual line at the moment, which is strange, because I am creating a lot at the moment. So while I started with some polymer clay, I stopped that and went back to monoprinting again.

I love the magazin resist technique Birgit Kopsen showed at the Gelli Arts blog. I use it now to create a kind of "collages" with monoprinting. I often use several layers of paint, removing some parts of every layer before I pick it all up with the last one.
I so love how the paint looks through!
I used detailed pictures as well as abstract silhouettes. Still not sure what I prefer.
I also remembered that I carved a Pegasus based on a vintage image years ago.
So I had a look where it was and played with it.
As much as I love the stamp, I probably won't use it for monoprinting again.
A really simple technique I probably will do with the small kids in our family. Simply stamping with a waterproof ink and then some water colour on top (the ink acts as a resist... mh...maybe I should try that also for the monoprinting? Have to try that!).
And here is my work in progress piece made with polymer clay. Not sure whether I will work further on it or not.
I also used my handmade coffee water colour (yes, real coffee!) for a quick sketch. I used to paint a lot of horses as a kid and teenager, but I was better during that time than now. Seems I have to train again ;)
Also another fast middle in the night sketch where I went a little bit over the top with the colours.
PS: Thank you Cathy for taking over the challenge reveal! :)
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