My last wings for some time due to different reasons. First and foremost: I used my last material. I still have some butterflies to finish but nothing to create new ones. Second: Rumpel and I will finally go to have some holiday!
Third: They look so small but actually they are a lot of work to make, a lot of steps to do.
These ones I made because I was asked very nicely (and she already had some of my wings :)). Also she had a lot of patience! She waited several weeks for me to finish them!
Still, seeing them before me, I have to say, I just love them!
This time I went for a deeper etching and I changed again back to only a black patina. This creates a harder contrast (especially with the brass ones). I can't tell what kind I prefer, the more greenish imperfect organic look or this clean stark contrast. Maybe this will always depend about how I would use them :)
They will be on their way later today and I will see whether I may get some new material when I am back from holiday and also whether I may find some more motivation to make them. I need to change what I am doing quite often, otherwise I get bored ^^