Dienstag, 7. Januar 2014

New organic structures! My first beads in this year...

...or rather my first finished ones. There is a lot more laying on my table waiting to be sanded and painted and sealed. Maybe not all in this order! Next to started necklaces (yes, like last year I want to grow on creating them), silk wrapped bangles, a lot of beads (hey, I have to really see them next my beads to see if they connect somehow...!), new silicon and polymer clay molds and pattern stamps, paints and papers... and... ehm... all not in my work room but rather in the living room! I don't want to work alone, I want to sit next to Rumpel!

The first three images show pendants or focals rather. All of them have three stringing holes at the bottom because I love beads dangling from a pendant! I used fimo classic in white. While I normally love to work in bright colours I wanted to go for a rather not so "loud" colour scheme this time. Therefor I used paynes grey (acrylic paint, Reeves) at a first basic colour before I added the shades of blue and green. Like moss grew over them with time...

For the following beads I went for my different shades of brown colours I had at hand. I really like the effects and especially with the "curl" of the bead to the right I have to play more. 

I am not sure if I want to use these rather large beads in a single necklace or just the one in the middle as focal and the other two creating earrings.

Last but not least: One of my tribal and organic style I am preferring more and more. Especially with the large hole on top that allows to incorporate this bead into nearly any design and material. 

I already told you how many more beads are waiting to be painted...? Also.. ehm... from last year? ^^

2 Kommentare:

  1. I am the same - I have a work room at the back of my apartment, but it's too lonely! I like to work at the dining room table. Love the wonderful shells and big tribal concepts!
