Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014

All the colours, all the structures... new polymer clay beads!

I mostly make pairs. Thinking that I mostly create earrings as jewelery this makes sense for me. I can still use them in necklaces or bracelets if I want to. Sometimes I make single beads but I really like to have all possibilities open by creating pairs.

An overview... part 1

...and part 2 :)

I made them with polymer clay (Fimo classic white, except for one pair) and used molds I made out of buttons, I used other jewelery and beads to impress patterns and a small ammonite mold I made some time ago. You see the three different sizes and shapes from ammonite beads? All made using the same mold! 

Just by shaping the beads afterwards by hand you can create all the differences. I even love the backside that is somehow organic (I have to take more pictures to show you ^^). 

After baking I used acrylic paint (from Reeves) to add colours. There are at least 2 different layer of paint on every bead if not more. 

I love the feeling when I am excited about something I made ^^ 

Now I have to decide if I want to use them by myself or if I finally take it on me and start not only to sell my finished jewelery but also the beads I made. Believe me, I have soooo many beads waiting to be painted or glazed or just to be used. But working with polymer clay itself gives me the greatest pleasure and relaxes me. In the end that means lot more beads than I will ever be able to use. Also I am curious what others would create using my beads :)

 Again just more pictures of the same beads... with all the details!

...and I so need a new camera *sighs*

And some last impressions from my table before christmas. I made ornaments for every one (here you can find the tutorial) and of course had to chose the beads I wanted to combine...

...and the wire hangers wrapped with wire and beads. I am already thinking about the ones for next year but I guess I will soon focus on other stuff (work starts tomorrow again) and than christmas will surprisingly close again ^^

5 Kommentare:

  1. Been busy again :) Nice one! Love your beads, I think it's a good idea to try and sell them and basically spread your creativity to the world :) And I still LOVE those ornaments you made. They are just too gorgeous :)

  2. Your beads are beautiful. I particularly like the three beads on the right hand side of the last three photos of the beads. I've been reading your blog for a little while and find it really inspiring so i got myself some fimo soft and I'm going to make some beads using your tutorials today. Thanks for a very inspiring blog.

  3. um. Awesome. i didn't even realize i could make my own beads!! thanks for sharing :)

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