Freitag, 20. Dezember 2013

Inspire! - Polymer clay box

You see the impression of the word "inspire"? This was made by a letter noodle stamp I made! ;) Just glued letter noodles on a blank surface and had my little stamp. It is really strange how the simplest ideas are the ones that have the biggest impact (at least for me and at least outside the lab ^^). The other structures you can see are made by my own pattern stamps (made from various surfaces I found, like the speakers, laptop, chairs...) or wooden fabric stamps. If you look at the box you will always find new structures the longer you look at it. 

I used paynes grey acrylic paint (Reeves) and inka gold (Viva) in shades of blue and green for the surface. The metallic quality of inka gold is really stunning but you have to take care that you will seal the colour carefully because it is not waterproof. Oh, and I added some feed to the box! 

PS: For the german readers: This is a pulmoll bonbon box!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Buchstabennudeln! Wie genial! Ich frag mich schon seit Jahren, was man daraus machen könnte. Jetzt weiß ich ich's. =)
    Die Farben finde ich auch super - dieses regenbogenartige Schillern sieht wirklich toll aus.

    1. Danke :) Und Buchstabennudeln sind sooooo toll! Auf einem anderen Blog hatte ich dann die nach einzelnen Buchstaben schon sortiert in lauter kleinen Kästchen gesehen... großartig!

  2. So intricate, just beautiful! Noodle letters?! That is so smart!
