Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2013

For the pink advent calendar 2013

Like every year winter, chistmas and especially december are catching me by surprise! You would think, hey, it is written down in the calendar, but somehow I manage to miss it until the last dates. Of course I made advent calendars like every year and of course I forgot to take pictures in the right light and in time (or even at all ^^).

But here we go with the pink advent calendar I make every year for a very dear friend. Along with a lot of other pink things I found (bath salts, sweets and more sweets, nail polish... and so on!) there are always things included made by me. Like the pink earrings. This was magenta fimo classic with white acrylic paint on top (Reeves).

The christmas ornament was made the other way around: White fimo classic with magenta acrylic paint on top (Reeves). It fascinates me how different colour combinations and effects can look just by choosing the background and the top colour :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. I love the colors and the striking effect on the Christmas ornament. I love it!!
