Dienstag, 10. September 2013

All my new beads: Organic shapes and structures, swellegant and a lot of oxidation!

Okay, here we go with a lot of the polymer clay beads I made over the past weeks. Yes, weeks. Most of them during the last days of Bisu. I don't like the pain inside of me that comes up just writing down his name. But I know that I just made another step into creating beads with polymer clay because of all the stress, fear and pain. Because I had to decide the timepoint to let him go. I don't want to write more because... as I just wrote in the last and the sentence before... it hurts. Also I would rather have my little ones, all my little ones back than to be able to create these beads. 

Creating is what keeps me sane and also express myself. I can't get enough from the new shapes and patterns and structures of these beads. I love the organic feeling, the rough texture ad (at least for me) surprising shapes. Just to let go of the control, fall into the process of woking with the clay and go on. Also to trust the process itself. That things come together in the end (not always but if I work without hesitation, then more often than not!).

The use of metal paints and patinas on top just add to the organic process of creation as well as the organic feel of the beads itself. I used the swellegant paints from Christie Friesen (I just forgot the company that produces the paints, sorry, I will add it later).

Here a little overview of all the beads. Just the leaves in the middle are not made by me and also not polymer clay. They were some cheap aluminum alloy (silver colour) charms I bought some time ago. They look quite cheap but with a nice shape. After adding the paint... I think they look so stunning! All the other beads are made with polymer clay (fimo classic). 

This is the back from the beads above. I just brass and a combination of different patinas.

This time iron paint with different patinas... 

...and the back. I really use a lot of paint and patine because I love these rough edges and flakes that really look like rust grown over time!

Brass again. 

...and the back side... or just the other side because I am still not sure which side I prefer ^^

This is a single bead. As you can see I prefer to make beads in pairs. The reason is simple: I prefer to create earrings! 

A different view...

I changed to copper. I really like copper but if I had to chose brass would be my all time favorite (I am surprised because I am not too fond of gold), second comes bronze... and the iron and copper. Last and this time really least: Silver. Silver is beautiful but without the oxidation process not too special for me. I already have a lot of beautiful silver paints and just because here I have real silver inside... mh... no. I prefer the organic oxidation process!

The other side... also not sure if this is the back side!

Here we have an example for bronze. Surprisingly this darkens even after I stopped the oxidation process with the patinas. Just normal air was enough!

The other side, also so beautiful!

Simple rings/donuts made from polymer clay...

...with different textures on both sides...

Iron again. Oh, just look at the structures! 

...or the pure rust!

I played with some snail / nautilus shape. I tried to keep the shape simple and easy, just add basic textures and shapes. As you cann see: I tried bronze, iron and copper.

...with holes on top...

...but the backside... again I am torn about my favorite side ;)

This is an easy shape: Polymer clay pressed in a normal metal ring. 

It adds dimension.

Here we go into the iron ages! (Not really but the beads have something tribal for me!) 

Rust and more rust!

Little brass pieces. Also very tribal...

The different shades of blue and green and white... 

The aluminium alloy leaves I covered either in bronze (left one) or brass.

What you can see here is that the use of metal paints (several layers) a lot of the small details are lost. But don't be afraid, this rather adds to the organic look after oxidation!

And really dark with bronze...

At first I was afraid to use them. But I already made some earrings over the last days! I am thinking about starting to sell my beads. I love to create new beads. I make way more than I am ever using for myself (oh yes, I have a big stash from beads I made over time ^^). I am also curious what over people would see in my creations and how the beads would evolve in their creations...

...but I have the same doubts as most creative people have? ;) 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Amazing! They all look so ancient. The snails are my favorites, and those painted leaves are truly beautiful.

  2. ich möchte ohrringe mit so blättern??? bitte bitte bitte??????? deine kleine schwester
