Montag, 20. August 2012

MIAU - The eyeball-cat

miau - meow - miao - miol

We start in the new week with another one of Rumpel's designs! This time an eyeball-cat. He makes all kind of creatures with one face / eyes just being one special kind of eyeball. Ar least I am calling it this way and I am asking him things like: "Can you draw me an eyeball-octopus? And an eyeball-cat? And an eyeball..."

He made me "a real pictogram" and "The LOOK" and now "MIAU the eyeball-cat"! Truth to be told: He also already made me one eyeball-octopus and is working on the second but still not satisfied with either of them so the tentacled stuff will have to wait a little bit longer. But I am sooo looking forward to the eyeball-octopus! ^^

4 Kommentare:

  1. Jeder, der einmal mit einer hungrigen Katze zu tun hatte, wird dieses Bild zu schätzen wissen... das ganze Tier nur noch ein einziges, großes Miau. :D

  2. This cat is completely wonderful!!! I know about a thousand people who would love something with this image. What are you going to make? I love love love!
