Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011

Show off your work!

As some of you may already know (or have quessed), I am a scientist, better to say a biologist. No, not the one that goes through nature but the one that works with all the cool mechanisms inside the cell :)

As it happens a friend of me (also working in molecular biology) showed me some images she made and wasn't quite happy about them. I wondered why, because they looked good! 

So how do you say your friend that you like her work and that it is good? With words? We all know that we tend not to believe in words alone... and being a scientist I thought I should give an example for my view:

Your images look so good, you could wear them as earrings! 

Therefor I printed one of her images (cell culture, the blue dots are stained cell nuclei and the green dots are stained protein which is only expressed in some of the cells), glued it on cardboard, put a lot layers of 3D glue on top... that was it!

And hey, she really showed off her work! She had put them on during the local research festival where she presented her work using also THIS image! :)

And if you now think we are all a little bit strange... trust me... we are worse, way worse! ^^

6 Kommentare:

  1. Du bist nicht nur kreativ.
    Mir gefällt deine Art wie du das alles präsentierst und mir gefallen deine Ideen.
    Wieder mal gut gemacht. Ich sage nicht immer was dazu, aber alles was du hier veröffentlichst, hat sehr viel Hintergrund.

    Gruß marit

  2. When I first saw these earrings I not just felt in love with your present but I also decided to be fond of my pictures :) Thank you so much!

  3. Das ist ja ne süße Idee! Und die Ohrringe sind wirklich sehr schön. =)

  4. Just awesome! Now I am sad, that I can´t have my cell culture as earrings. Little wormy thingies don´t look very good.

  5. Ahh.... so many no-reply comments! Hey, I love to answer your comments! :)

    @Positron: Just a little step closer for the tentacles to rule over all of us ^^

    @Centi: Danke! :)

    @Sarah: Mh... I wouldn't be so sure of that... hey, I love tentacles! Maybe we could use some false colours / polycolours to stain the worm images? If you have an image for playing, just send it to me! I am curious! :)

  6. Hilarious and beautiful! I love that you and your friend are strange. (The world would be a sadder place without your brand of fabulously strange, my dear Claire.)
