Samstag, 25. Dezember 2010

More Birds!

Little birds... made out of felt... with buttons! (can you see the zara button?)

I hope you all can enjoy the holidays with your family and friends! I am now on my way to my family again to enjoy the first christmas day dinner! Hopefully again a loup de mar in a salt crust ^^ Am I spoiled? Oh yes!

What else to say...? Mh... I love bird ornaments! Had to made some, will make more! And yes, the light blue one is my first! The darker one I already showed you here was my forth bird.

This three I can only show you now because they were all in the advent calenders (with different dates) and the last one was opened today!

The mess before sewing...

My desk is always the greatest mess you can imagine... Really. It grows not only sideways but up!

...and again the stencil if you want your own ^^

9 Kommentare:

  1. A sweet flock of birds! What the heck is loup de mar? Wolf of the sea?

  2. How sweet! I got a box of old buttons as one of my Christmas gifts. I think I'll give these a try.

  3. And I have learned: The loup de mer (Yes, my writing was wrong ^^) is often called european bass or sea bass. My all time favorite fish!

  4. So adorable. I've made some little birds recently, but they're made of wood. I know how you feel about the messy whole house is my craft table. :-)

  5. These are soo sweet! I love them.. hope you will share with my Pink HIppo Party @

  6. Love these! My whole Xmas tree is covered in birds...these would be a charming addition. I love how you use the button like a joint --love it!

  7. Oh, would love to see your tree! :)

  8. The cat at Three Bed Semi sent me. I trust her judgment for a reason, those are just adorable!
