Montag, 23. August 2010

Fish on fabric

As you may noticed, I have developed a little fondness of painting critters on fabric. I also made a toad but this being a present I forgot take a picture. Mh... but I will catch up and make one soon (hopefully ^^ )

But I also love the fish! It is around 30 cm long and not sure what to make out of it. A pillow? A handbag? An application for a skirt or a shirt? I am open for suggestions! :)

The shape is one of a roach (german: Plötze or Rotauge / french: gardon blanc or able rosse), a fresh water fish. The colours are not the true ones.

The process is the same for every critter I paint on fabric. At first I outline the shape, this time I used an water colour pen which is normally not suitable but I will paint over it afterwards so it doesn't really matter. The only reason for this was that I didn't find my pattern fabric transfer pen (yes, this is the name for it, a little bit logn). Afterwards I paint the basic colour which in this case was white. You can still see the darker outlines shining through. I try to "shape" the fish already with the way I paint the colour. The strokes of the brush can be seen and go along with the outlines.

The first two colours I blended with the white underground. The work should be done at once so all the colour will dry together and not separeted. I made the experience that only then the colour will also be combined with the fabric fibers. If the first layer is dry and you paint another one on top it may come off if you wash it. Even after heat fixation! Ignore this point if you want to use it as some kind of picture which never will be washed ;)

Added colours: Turqoise and ultramarine blue.

The next colours, all with a metallic effect (hard to see on the photos but really a nice touch in real): Silver, violet and sapphire blue. With the little metallic effect which is toned down due to the mix with the other paints there is this little "fishy" effect. Decent but like the icing on the cake!

And the black outlines...

I also like the variations in only black and white or sepia colour shades. Especially the last one I can image to use as a piece for a collage and / or a card.


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